September Education

Event Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Event Time: 9:00 am
Event Category / Group: Education / Events


Creative Storytelling That Drives

Membership Engagement and Growth


Featured Speaker Ed Heil–
 President StoryTeller Media and Communications

 In this session, former television news reporter Ed Heil will help you identify the unique and newsworthy stories around happenings within your organization that will differentiate your club within the competitive landscape of the luxury market. 
Course takeaways include:

 · Recognizing the best stories within your club and how to position them in a way that is memorable and interesting to your audience

· Creating the time and space in your week to accomplish storytelling

· Enhancing your current communications (newsletter stories vs. announcements)

· Promoting “change” such as capital improvement projects, staff turnover, new menus, new hours of operation, etc.


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

 9:00am Registration 
9:30-12:30pm  Education Session (3 education credits)
12:30pm Business Meeting (1 activity credit)
Lunch to Follow

 Field Club of Greenwich
Hosts: Meridith Picarelli-Khattar, CCM, Ingrid Cardemil, and Neillin Joseph

  RSVP by Sunday, September 23 online
Non-CCMA members are $50.00 per person. 
Please make checks payable to CCMA and send to Meridith Picarelli-Khattar at
The Field Club  ( 276 Lake Avenue, Greenwich, 06830),
or be sure you bring your check with you to the  meeting.
Please advise in your reservation if you will be unable to stay for lunch.


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